- Address :香港湾仔骆克道300号侨阜商业大厦12楼
- Tel :+852 2521 1806
- Fax :+852 2521 1478
- Email :hk@smartteam.hk
1、 Apply for the <Industrial and Commercial Registration Certificate> in the name of the enterprise outside China from Guangzhou Administrative Bureau of Industry and Commerce (GZABIC).
2、 Carve a name stamp and a financial stamp in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou at the Public Security Bureau in Guangzhou.
3、 Sign the contract on the employment of Chinese employees and go through the relative procedures of employment in the name of the representative office with an authorized agent.
4、 Foreigner and the brethren in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan should apply for the <Employment Certificate> from the Guangdong Bureau of Labor; besides foreigner should apply the<Resident Certificate> from the Public Security Bureau in Guangzhou and extend the visa..
5、 Apply for the <Company Code Certificate> in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou from the Technique Intendance Bureau in Guangzhou.
6、 Open an account in any bank in Guangzhou in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou.
7、 Apply for the <Taxation Certificate> in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou from national taxation bureau and the local taxation bureau in Guangzhou.
- 上一页:中国开设工厂/公司设立条件
- 下一页:外国企业常驻北京代表处机构设立程序